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Welcome for Worldwide ATM Exchange

Welcome all worldwide ATM covers/aerogramme,
ATM labels (mint set and purchasing receipts),
ATM maxicards, will reply ATM labels, covers and

maxicards from Taiwan.

George WU
Xiulang P.O. Box 155,
Yungho, Taipei 234968,
Republic of China.

My email:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Welcome 30000th readers to my ATM Blog

Tonight, the 30000th readers will enter and reading my simple personal collection blog, Thanks for all your support, please let me know all your philatelic comments.
If you are also like collecting and exchange ATM issues and covers, please direct send me ATM covers from your country, please affixing with some different values ATM postage labels on covers, I will reply ATM covers from Taiwan.
George T. M. Wu
P. O. Box 4-155,
Yungho, Taipei 23499,
Republic of China.