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Welcome for Worldwide ATM Exchange

Welcome all worldwide ATM covers/aerogramme,
ATM labels (mint set and purchasing receipts),
ATM maxicards, will reply ATM labels, covers and

maxicards from Taiwan.

George WU
Xiulang P.O. Box 155,
Yungho, Taipei 234968,
Republic of China.

My email:

Friday, March 07, 2008

Taipei 2008 Stampex Official Opening

TAIPEI 2008, 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition was official opening by Minister of Communications of the Republic of China, in total of 1023 frames of competition class exhibits come from 23 countries, there are only four ATM collections from Australia and Taiwan.
Tung Blossoms ATM issue will circulating in commemorate the Taipei 2008 stampex, there are 15 units of Innovision ATM machines will installed at the stampex temporary office, in black, blue and red print.